Tuesday, October 03, 2006

the ol' switch-a-roo

Starting October 24th I'm going to be temporarily switching positions at my work. I'm going to leave the graveyard shift and go to an early 4am-1pm shift, still Monday through Friday. It'll only be for 8 weeks, but it will be a nice change. I'll be working with a small group of associates and we will be going through the entire store and putting inventory tags on everything in the overheads in preporation for inventory at the end of the year.
On a different note, I've actually bought a Christmas present for a family member already. This is a big deal since I rarely by any Christmas presents prior to the week before Christmas.


Blogger Lola Bacon said...

Wow, 4 am! It's like you work for a coffee place. But hopefully you don't try to serve the liquids you have available there...

7:56 AM  

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