Tuesday, August 29, 2006

i'll stay

I've decided to stay in Walla Walla for an indefinate amount of time, opposed to moving back in Spring/Summer like I had considered. I'm excited about that. School will just have to wait a bit longer. I feel that God closed that door for me right now.


Blogger Lola Bacon said...

Hey Adam! I'm glad we got to hang out. You are a good friend and I am glad of that.

10:55 AM  
Blogger Mrs. D_Long said...

YES!! YES! YES!!!!!!!!! (can you tell I'm happy to hear that?!)

8:07 PM  
Blogger Mrs. D_Long said...

Oh, "here I am" (by the way)
I missed you too.
glad to be back home now

8:21 PM  
Blogger Signer for GOD! said...

why would you be thinking about moving thats dumb!! anyways you said to post a comment so that you could add me so here you go peace

10:16 PM  

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