Monday, August 14, 2006

portland weekend part 2 of 2

My car just barely survived the second weekend in a row of Portland trips. I need to get it fixed. This weekend was very fun and action packed. Friday night was spent at the Beer Garden at PGE Park for a Beavers game. The Beavers won 11-7 with several homeruns hit making it very exciting. We also got free food and drinks. I spent Saturday helping my parents with yard work in preparation for my mom's 50th birthday party the following day. I then went to Joel and Amanda's wedding which was great. It's always fun to see good friends get married. I got to catch up with several people who I haven't seen in quite awhile as well. On Sunday I stopped by New Song for bit to see people, but couldn't stay long since I needed to help get things ready for the birthday party. Once again, I saw many people who I haven't seen in awhile and told them all the same things about what I'm doing and what my plans are. I eventually got peopled out and hid in the basement for a bit. I was planning on leaving Sunday evening, but ended up staying the night and leaving this morning so that I could hang out with Whipple. That was a lot of fun as well. Now I'm back in the Walla's and will most likely not take another Portland trip until October for Sufjan.


Blogger Lola Bacon said...

It was good to see you too. I haven't had a real conversation with you in awhile. Just a few weeks though, and we'll be there! We might need to camp out in someone's back yard, but we'll be there.

9:49 AM  

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