Monday, May 22, 2006


It is raining...a lot...again. We've had several downpours in the last few days, along with some lightning and thunder storms. It's sort of a nice change from the heat of last week. But let's save that for another month or so.
I get to go to the Sasquatch festival on Saturday. I haven't been to a concert in quite some time so this will make up for it, and then some.
My soccer team lost 5 to 4 yesterday. It was a very disappointing loss since we had a lead for most of the game and gave up the game winner with about 5 minutes to play. We are now 3-3 with one league game left and then the playoffs. That'll be fun.


Blogger WallaWallaDay said...

I do not think the weather is a nice change. I'd take hot over several days of downpours.

Sorry about your game. Hopefully it's not my fault.

5:22 PM  
Blogger Lola Bacon said...

Sasquatch!? I hope you have more fun than I did....

7:33 AM  
Blogger janakianne said...

I don't know if Michael will be back... but I hope so!!! I LOVED the finale. LOVED IT!!

9:39 AM  

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