Monday, April 10, 2006

they took from me what wasn't mine

I'm back to infrequent posts after an almost (personal) record setting month of March. Reason being when I first moved into my new house at the beginning of March, I was picking up someones wireless connection and had free internet. However, one sad morning I woke to find that it was gone. It up and vanished like a fart in the wind (name that movie quote, but instead of "It", the quote says "The man" or something along those lines).
Well, baseball season has begun. I'm excited about that although my Orioles's have not been doing well including a sweep by Bob's Red Sox. That's fine though, because I don't really expect much from my team this season. They need some help.


Blogger Lola Bacon said...

The wireless thing happened to us too. Drat! I want free wireless!

I also know how you feel about your team. The Giants haven't been any good for years, and I don't think they'll improve much until they get rid of Bonds the idiot and work on rebuilding their basic ball skills.

7:51 AM  
Blogger Lola Bacon said...

lucky! When in June? We are going to SF and were thinking about going to a game, but it just wasn't going to be the best use of our time. Oh well.

7:52 AM  

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