Saturday, March 18, 2006

i feel like I'm taking crazy pills

I keep getting so confused as to what day of the week it is. I go to work on Thursday, then when I'm off I still expect it to be Thursday, but it's not. Then I go to bed on Friday, and when I wake up I think it should be Saturday, but it's still Friday.
My co-workers are fun to work with, but as I expected, they are fairly crude as well. For instance, Al (with the curly mullet) made a crude joke. John then replied to him saying, "Don't say that kind of shit in front of the Christian." I found that amusing.


Blogger Jenn Turner said...

That is sooo funny! I've actually had a number of similar experiences. One time I went to visit my cousin and he and his friends were cussing up a storm when I arrived. When my cousin saw me he said, "Hey, this is my cousin! Don't cuss in front of her!" Cracks me up! As if I don't already know he swears. I do appreciate not having to hear it though. It gets tiresome after a while.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Lola Bacon said...

That is great! People are so very funny. I just wish people would do that for me. If not because I'm a Christian, at least because I'm a "lady." Whatever happened to the days of guys not being nasty in front of girls?

7:49 AM  
Blogger WallaWallaDay said...

I don't think they're crazy pills... more like a crazy protein shake. That's what you've been taking.

6:25 PM  

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