Tuesday, May 24, 2005

i knew i was obese

The two main things that I got from my health evaluation at the gym the other day were:
1) I'm fat.
2) I need to eat more.
I'm not even joking.

Monday, May 23, 2005

i'll pay in gold colored coins please

I took my car to the mechanic to get a few things looked at. Nothing too serious, I just want it in good shape before I drive to the Walla's this weekend. On my way home from the mechanic I took the max. For some reason the ticket dispensor would not take change so I had to pay with a $10 bill. It gave me back 8 of those dollar coins with Sacajawhatsherface on it. That annoyed me. I don't like carrying coins around and now I don't have any dollar bills. On the upside, carrying around all these gold colored coins makes me feel like a pirate.
Speaking of pirates, the teacher (who's not a pirate) who graded my senior research paper just asked my permission to use my paper as a "good example" for future classes. Then he called it a "masterpiece". That was encouraging.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

that's too bad, but the rest is good

So about that show on June 3rd, we're aren't playing it after all. That kind of sucks because it would've been a big show. I guess someone else was put on the list before us to be the fourth band. Oh well. We're still playing tomorrow and Johnathan might show up. If he does, then he'll play with us and it will be great.
On to other news. I just got my final draft back of my Senior Research paper and I got an A. That's encouraging. Several people have mentioned that they want to read it, but I don't remember who all that was. If you're one of them, let me know and I'll email it to you.
Other school news, I just finished my last final this morning. I did alright, but I wasn't overly concerned with it considering that I'd get an A in the class even if I got a zero on the test. I meet with one of my teachers next week to discuss what I'll need to take in the next year to finish my 4 year degree.
I only got 4 hours of sleep last night because I went to the Star Wars: Episdoe III midnight showing. Midnight showings are always fun, even if the movie sucks. In this case, the movie didn't suck (although some who read this may disagree and also be named Whipple). It was better than the first two, but it was really sad. It brought out some things in the story line that gave clarity to portions of the originals. I will consent however that the acting was still sub-par (although not as bad as episode two) with many poorly delivered lines and the love story part was still really cheesy and dumb. But I tried not to focus on that stuff so much.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

a couple of shows

I have one test left and a few corrections on my research paper and I'll be done with school.
The Headphones CD is some good listening (minus a song or two that just bother me).
My band is playing a couple of shows in the near future. Everyone who reads this should come to one of them. The first is this Friday at the Food Hole on NW 3rd and Burnside. It starts at 7:45 and we're playing with Day of Lions and Blake Hooper. I don't know much about the place. It sounds kind of shady. The second show has the potential to be super fabulous. I don't know all the details yet, but it will be at the Meow Meow on Friday, June 3rd and we're playing with Believing in June and Emry. Apparently Emry has a big Portland draw. I heard that the last Portland show they played drew about 600 people. Even a small portion of that would be nice. That show also gives us a goal for when to have our EP done and ready to sell. Hopefully that happens (but I have my doubts).

Friday, May 13, 2005

warning: life change ahead.

Next week is finals and I'm done at PBC (still need some correspondance courses to graduate, but no more classes at the school itself). In one month I'll be done working at New Song. In two months I'll be in, or close to being in, Walla Walla. That's about all I got figured out. The rest is a blur.

Monday, May 09, 2005

it is finished

I am done with the rough draft of my senior research paper. I think it's pretty good. I'm now wishing I had started a little sooner so I could have put a little more reasearch into certain areas of the paper. Oh well, it's done now and that is quite a relief. I still got a few papers to go, then finals next week.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

no show

It looks as though my bands show for tomorrow (a battle of the bands gig in Salem) isn't going to happen for us. We have no drummer. It is a bummer. I hope we find one for our tour in the summer. Maybe I should just do a solo freestyle rap tour instead. I got rhymes coming out my left nostril. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! GET THEM OUT!!!!! THEY BURNS US!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

another year

My birthday was yesterday. It was a good. I got to see a bunch of friends. Of course, to some of them I had to drop subtle hints to remind them that it was birthday like, "Today is my birthday" or "My birthday is today" or "Birthday. Adam. Superfly." Then my band played a show. It was a good one. I had forgotten why I liked being in a band. Now I remember.
Also, Cherise was in town. That was fabulous.