Thursday, May 19, 2005

that's too bad, but the rest is good

So about that show on June 3rd, we're aren't playing it after all. That kind of sucks because it would've been a big show. I guess someone else was put on the list before us to be the fourth band. Oh well. We're still playing tomorrow and Johnathan might show up. If he does, then he'll play with us and it will be great.
On to other news. I just got my final draft back of my Senior Research paper and I got an A. That's encouraging. Several people have mentioned that they want to read it, but I don't remember who all that was. If you're one of them, let me know and I'll email it to you.
Other school news, I just finished my last final this morning. I did alright, but I wasn't overly concerned with it considering that I'd get an A in the class even if I got a zero on the test. I meet with one of my teachers next week to discuss what I'll need to take in the next year to finish my 4 year degree.
I only got 4 hours of sleep last night because I went to the Star Wars: Episdoe III midnight showing. Midnight showings are always fun, even if the movie sucks. In this case, the movie didn't suck (although some who read this may disagree and also be named Whipple). It was better than the first two, but it was really sad. It brought out some things in the story line that gave clarity to portions of the originals. I will consent however that the acting was still sub-par (although not as bad as episode two) with many poorly delivered lines and the love story part was still really cheesy and dumb. But I tried not to focus on that stuff so much.


Blogger Tami G. said...

ha ha
i heard that with some good edits it would have been the best star wars movie yet. he mentioned cutting out the cheesy love stuff.
on the other note, my sister keeps saying that her band is playing with believing in june in june. i don't know what their name is, it changes often. kind of like another band i know...

10:34 PM  
Blogger Lola Bacon said...

I want to go to a show of yours, and now you are not playing in June, and I don't know if I can come tonight. Confound it all!

8:14 AM  
Blogger Lola Bacon said...

I could not make it to the show, but I wanted to... thanks for calling friend...

9:50 AM  

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