Wednesday, October 17, 2007

i'm back, though I never left

I guess I just lost interest in updating this thing for awhile. Here's a little update of my life over the past couple of months:

The new living situation is working out well and has helped bring consistancy back to my life after living in a couple different places over the past few months.

I received another raise at work.

I've been actively involved in the youth group at Journey with the Jr. High and with worship.

I went to a youth leaders conference in Redding with Heather, Andrew, Micah, and Amanda and had an incredible encounter with the Lord.

I went to Portland a couple of weekends ago and saw the folks for the first time in many months since they were gone last time I was in town.

That's about it for now.


Blogger Lola Bacon said...

yay update!

9:31 AM  

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