Monday, May 23, 2005

i'll pay in gold colored coins please

I took my car to the mechanic to get a few things looked at. Nothing too serious, I just want it in good shape before I drive to the Walla's this weekend. On my way home from the mechanic I took the max. For some reason the ticket dispensor would not take change so I had to pay with a $10 bill. It gave me back 8 of those dollar coins with Sacajawhatsherface on it. That annoyed me. I don't like carrying coins around and now I don't have any dollar bills. On the upside, carrying around all these gold colored coins makes me feel like a pirate.
Speaking of pirates, the teacher (who's not a pirate) who graded my senior research paper just asked my permission to use my paper as a "good example" for future classes. Then he called it a "masterpiece". That was encouraging.


Blogger WallaWallaDay said...

Hey, way to go.
Way to be responsible with your car.
Way to ride mass transit.
Way to disrespect historical Native American figures.
Way to be a pirate!
Way to change the subject.
Way to write a masterpiece!! (I want to read it)

5:14 PM  
Blogger mommarazzi said...

You were attending a Bible College....aren't all papers presumed to be "Master"-pieces? Looks like you and Cherise have alot in common.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Lola Bacon said...

Woo. Good jeoarbb...b...b.b

7:01 PM  

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