Tuesday, November 28, 2006

portland and snow

Portland was great. I saw lots of family and friends, including the newest member of the Caputo clan. I will post some pictures later.
Today it snowed a little in Walla Walla. That was nice.
I have a lot of school work to do in the next 2 1/2 weeks. I better get started.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

the good list

Portland tomorrow
4 day weekend
Seeing my nephew for the first time
Amazing food on Thanksgiving (both traditional Thanksgiving food and Italian food)
And of course, seeing friends and family that I haven't seen in awhile

Saturday, November 18, 2006

art and stuff

This morning I, along with Mika and Laurel, judged an elementary school art contest. There were some really creative and well done pieces. The theme was "My Favorite Place". One of my favorites, and what I thought was the most creative, was entitled "Inside My Head". It was a drawing of the girls head with pictures pasted above of the different things going on inside her head which appeared to be, along with random thoughts, both aspirations and insecurites (at least that is how I interpreted it). The girl, I believe, was only second grade.
I'm really excited about going to Portland this coming week. I'm also excited about Journey Bite tomorrow after service. I will likely be in a turkey coma for the next week.

Friday, November 17, 2006

why is that man wearing a dress?

From my late elemetary school days into high school I had some friends by the names of John and Andy (they are brothers). John (the older brother) was always the responsible one and stayed mostly out of trouble, but he would always come up with crazy schemes and ideas which he would rarely act on. Andy however, would act on John's crazy ideas. That's just a little background to this story. Instead of telling the story, you can watch it unfold on the Judge Joe Brown show.
Under the video titled: Tenacious P(laintiff)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

uncle Adam

As of yesterday morning, I have a nephew. Samuel Rocco Caputo. He was born at 9:32am at 7lbs. 7 oz. and 19" long. Here he is:

He's already got more hair than his dad. Way to go little fella.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

anyone have 2,460 Euros and a plane ticket they want to give me?

Over the past year I've discovered an interest in filmmaking. Recently I've been thinking of which direction to take in order to pursue this art further. As I was searching out film school options, I came across one that particularly caught my interest. Not only is it a quality school, but it would also quench my desire to travel. It is the PCFE Film School in Prague, Czech Republic. If I were to pursue this, I would probably do a month long workshop in the summer. With tuition and traveling, the cost would be approximately $4,500. They only allow a small number of students so I probably need to build my resume further if want a decent chance of being accepted. For now, I'm going to keep looking into my options and continue to develop my skills.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I'll have to wait another week to become an uncle. "The Baby" wasn't quite ready to show up yet. His lungs weren't developed enough. Apparently he'll be ready next Tuesday. That's fine by me since I wouldn't see him for another two weeks anyway, but I'm sure Jason and Becky wouldn't mind him coming sooner than later.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

on to a good month

I don't like the month of October. Nothing particularly bad happened this month, in fact a lot of good things happened. But as far as months go, November kicks the pants off of October. So much of the focus of October is on Halloween, which is a stupid holiday. Novemeber, however, leads up to Thanksgiving which is way better. Thanksgiving will be particularly good this year because it will be the first time I get to see my first nephew who will be showing his face in this world for the first time in a week from today. It wasn't looking so positive that I would be able to get the Friday after Thanksgiving off since I work at a retail store (I worked 14 hours at two different retail stores last year on that day). In order to get any days off at my work, one has to get three people to sign off. Two were easy, but the assistant manager is never an easy one, especially on that day. Fortunately, she never looked at what day it was and signed off on it. It looks like I'm in the clear for a long weekend.