Wednesday, October 11, 2006

quite a stir

I didn't even mention "Crash" in my last post, yet it caused quite a stir. Even as I originally wrote this it received two more comments. I have seen it, and had more of a positive reaction to it, though I have no interest in seeing it again, nor do I think it should have won the Oscar. I'll leave it at that.
Laurel is a bit further than I am in the number of Best Pictures seen since 1970 and Bob is just amazing. I've only seen half of them since 70 and only a few scattered ones prior to that. I was most surprised that I've only seen one Best Picture from the 80's (Chariots of Fire) even though there are several that I've been wanting to see for quite a while. The 70's Best Pictures that I've seen are from 72-78 which are: The Godfather (72), The Sting (73), The Godfather: Part II (74), One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (75), Rocky (76), Annie Hall (77), and The Deer Hunter (78). That leaves me with Patton (70), The French Connection (71), and Kramer vs. Kramer (79) still to see. I've heard very little of these three so if anyone has any insight on whether these are worth watching, let me know. From the other 7 that I have seen, several rank highly in my favorite movies of all time. The only one that I didn't care for was The Deer Hunter. It was well acted and had some good moments, but it was a little slow for my liking.
I'm interested to know which Best Pictures others have enjoyed or not enjoyed.


Blogger Unknown said...

Time for me to chime in again. Why? Because I'm a nerd for movies and I will not deny it.

First off, I haven't seen two of the three '70s films you are going to watch but 'The French Connection' is a great movie. Gene Hackman is amazing in it as well as the car chase that everyone talks about.

I'm going to now comment on the '80s-era Best Picture winners for your edification and (hopefully) amusement. Take from it what you will.

Ordinary People: Great performances, great atmosphere, great movie.
Chariots of Fire: Haven't seen it.
Gandhi: Haven't seen it.
Terms of Endearment: Sentimental claptrap.
Amadeus: Very good movie. A little off-kilter, but nice to look at all the same.
Out of Africa: Haven't seen it.
Platoon: Another really good movie. When I saw it in the theater, almost everyone was in tears by the end.
The Last Emperor: Haven't seen it.
Rain Man: Overrated.
Driving Miss Daisy: I doubt I will ever see this movie.

I think what you should also try, Adam, is to watch all the movies that were nominated for Best Picture in a particular year. There's some great stuff in there that you might not have seen before (especially the '70s era ones like 'Cries and Whispers' and 'Taxi Driver' and a movie you might not have heard of called 'Star Wars').

8:30 AM  
Blogger Pam Hogeweide said...

all time fave foreign movie: Monsoon Wedding

fave Sci-fi : Star Wars, of course, and an honorable mention to
Terminator 2 and Tom Cruise's War of the Worlds

Fantasy: LOTR, and a very special honorable mention to Reign of Fire

Drama: Schindler's List and also The Pianist (I'm a fan of ww2 movies, with a special mention to Walk the Line and cannot forget the brilliant Good Will Hunting

Love story: Cold Mountain

Chick Flick: the classic Thelma and Louise and also a special shout-out for Everafter

Horror: The Ring, hated it so much I liked it and slept with the light on all night. That's right, all night.

Comedy: all the spoof movies like Spinal Tap, Best in Show, Mighty Wind, Waiting for Guffman...did I forget one?

Documentary: Spike Lee's recent doc on New Orleans called When the Levees Broke. IT's on HBO. I cried.

(how are you Adam?!!! Rose is a seventh grader this year and flourishing. Our family is going to Imago Dei and also The Bridge...good to see ya in the blogosphere...)

8:25 AM  

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