Sunday, March 26, 2006

i hurt

A few weeks ago I decided to be part of a "Fun Run" in Spokane along with some others from the Home Depot. This last week I joined a city league soccer team with Heather and Andrew. By the end of May, I'm going to be a running machine. But after todays first soccer practice/scrimmage with another team, I am in pain. My legs are a little sore since I've only been used to running straight ahead, not in every which angle with the addition of kicking. Mostly, my lower back is sore. It's been a little sore for several weeks, but today really made it hurt. Hopefully it's nothing serious.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

i feel like I'm taking crazy pills

I keep getting so confused as to what day of the week it is. I go to work on Thursday, then when I'm off I still expect it to be Thursday, but it's not. Then I go to bed on Friday, and when I wake up I think it should be Saturday, but it's still Friday.
My co-workers are fun to work with, but as I expected, they are fairly crude as well. For instance, Al (with the curly mullet) made a crude joke. John then replied to him saying, "Don't say that kind of shit in front of the Christian." I found that amusing.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

creature of the night part 2

Last night went pretty good for my first night shift ever. The time goes by really quick. No, Micah, I did not get beat up or knifed or even slapped around. Somehow the word got out to a few of my co-workers that I'm a "religous" person before I ever said anything about it.

Monday, March 13, 2006

creature of the night

Tonight is my first night of working graveyard shifts at the Depot. I tried to prepare by staying up until 3:30am this morning and sleeping until 1:30pm this afternoon. Hopefully that'll keep me going until 6:30am tomorrow when I get off work.

Friday, March 10, 2006

so long, stinktown

Tonight is my last cashiering shift at Home Depot. Starting Monday I'll be working the graveyard shift stocking shelves and such. I get to drive fork lifts around, so I'm looking forward to that.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

she tripped on a cone of irony

Home Depot set up a line of cones over a section of floor that has been damaged in order to warn customers so they won't trip or turn an ankle or other things of that nature. A young girl decided to weave throughout the cones like an obstacle course. She tripped over a cone and fell.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

a lime snow cone, for free?

I just found out that I have free wireless internet at my house, meaning a neighbor has it and I reap the benefits.
I just got back from Portland tonight. It was a great trip. A highlight was last night at the Builders and the Butchers show when we all left the venue in which they were playing and walked down the street singing with them as they played until we ended up in VooDoo donuts. It was a good one.