Monday, February 27, 2006

get there!

I'm basically moved into my new house. I'm just not sleeping there yet because I need someone to help me get my bed there, which should be done tomorrow. It's a nice little house. It comes with cable included. I thought this would be really minimal cable, but it's not. We get all the main cable channels. I don't plan on watching TV often, but it will be nice to have it.

Friday, February 24, 2006


I move to a new house on Wednesday. I start a new position at Home Depot the following Monday. I'll be in Portland on the days in between.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

sinking in my dream

I had a dream a couple of nights ago. I was a passanger in a car that was driving on a highway that wrapped around the side of a mountain with the mountain wall on the left and a large body of water down below on the right. I looked in the water and saw a semi truck (just the truck, no cargo attached) floating there. I began to sink. Then a crain from the shore nearby reached into the water and grabbed the truck just as it was submerged and pulled it to shore. A great relief swept over me. Then suddenly, as we turned a corner, there was semi's (all without cargo) scatered all over the road. They were all on there sides or upside down as though they had been tossed on the road like dice. I looked back at the water and saw more semi's spread out and sinking as far as I could see. There was no crain helping them. When I woke up I was distressed, more so than I have ever been because of a dream. It was a worse feeling than having a nightmare. The rest of my sleep that night was broken and scattered, always waking to the memory of than dream.
What does it mean?

Monday, February 13, 2006

a house, some video making, and an old man-frog?

On March 1st I am going to be moving into a house with my friend James. It's a two bed, one bath house with a living room, dining room, kitchen and a decent backyard. All utilities are included along with basic cable, all for the affordable price of $700 a month. I'm really excited about this arrangement more so than either of my two other living arrangements I've had since moving here.
I just met a guy named Jefferey Townsend (not the friend of Chris W who was at New Song for awhile). This one is a guy who has a video production company here in town. They mainly do commercials for both TV and internet. He used to work in Hollywood as a Production Designer. He's done several major films including Sleepless in Seattle. I'm probably going to be following him around on some film shoots and learn what I can learn from him. I'm pretty excited about that.
I just saw a guy across the street. At least I think it was a guy. From his shoes on up he had the appearance of an older looking business man with a suit and tie, until you got to his head. He was carrying an umbrella that covered his head from my view. The part of this story that seperates it from normality is that the umbrella was a giant frog's head with eyes that stuck out the top, thus making it look like the old man had a giant frog's head.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

credit cards and Gob scooters

A quick recap of the worst Super Bowl in history that inspired my last entry. The Seahawks (my favorite sports team) lost to the Steelers. Actually the Seahawks lost to the refs and the Steelers got the credit for the victory. That's what made me so mad about the game. But I'm over it now. I can move on in life.
I just applied for a credit card that will help me finish school and build credit. Both are goals that I am now finally putting into action.
I was working at Home Depot the other day when I looked up from my register to see an old man (probably in his 70's) speed out from one of the aisles and out the door on a Gob scooter. If you don't know what that is, you must watch Arrested Development. Also, I think a Gob scooter is the solution to Whipple's car troubles.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

sea sick

I realized how big of a football fan I really am tonight. My favorite team since childhood just lost the Super Bowl and it totally made me depressed. I keep telling myself "Seriously, Caputo, get over it. It's a freaking game." But it just doesn't take.