Tuesday, January 24, 2006

i quit

I put in my two weeks at Big 5 today. I'm very happy about that. Having only one job will be a good thing. Home Depot depot is working out for me surprisingly better than I had originally anticipated. They are giving me more hours and just recently gave me a $0.50 raise.
I am currently burning DVD's of the video announcements I've made in order to sell them as a fundraiser to buy the church a video camera. That's all.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Yes, I am hooked. I just watched the first season of Lost and nine episodes of season two in a span of a week. Two more episodes and I'm caught up. Now I can actually do productive things with my time again.
Speaking of time, I think I'm going to make some room in my schedule for school work by quitting my Big 5 job. It appears as though I'll be getting more hours at Home Depot so I think I can handle it financially, but still have a little extra time. I've thought about doing it one of the last two days, but have sort of chickened out. I guess I'm just not confident that I can manage it financially, though the facts say otherwise. Maybe I'm just writing this for others to see so I have accountability. Now that I say I'm going to do it, I better do it.

Monday, January 09, 2006

make some dilemmanade

This morning I poured myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. It was the poor man's version of cinnamon toast crunch. I finished off the box, which only filled half my bowl, then threw the box away. As I opened the milk to pour upon my cinnamon toasted goodness, I noticed an unpleasant stench arise from carton. Although the expiration date had not yet passed, the milk was definately not drinkable. I poured the remainder of the milk out and then turned to my dry bowl of cereal. What was I to do? There was no milk for my cereal and the box in which I could have poured my dry cereal back into was already destroyed and in the garbage can. This was a dilemma indeed. I assessed my options. I decided immediately that the amount of cereal was not worth saving until I was able to purchase milk, leaving my opttions to: 1) Throw it away; or 2) Find some way to eat it. I figured option 2 was at least worth a shot. I took the safe route at first and began eating the cereal dry as though the pieces were miniature square shaped cookies. I quickly grew tired of dry cereal and would have rather not eaten it at all, so I took path number 2: Add a substitutionary liquid. Water was never really an option. Instead I added the only other drinking liquid I had available to me: Paradise Punch. As I poured the juice, I thought of all the stories I've heard about lactose intolerant kids who have to eat their cereal with juice. As I took my first bite, I felt pity for those kids. Then, as I thought about it more, I didn't remember Paradise Punch ever being an option in any of those stories. I threw the rest away.