Saturday, October 01, 2005

work and work

Today (Saturday) I worked both jobs for a combined 10 hours. I really don't like doing that on a Saturday, but I don't have much choice right now. However, I did get some interesting info from one of my bosses/former bosses at Big 5 (today was his last day at our store). He took a postion at another store as the head manager instead of assistant. People are now being moved around to fill the open positions. Jake (the guy leaving) told me today that he spoke with Dana (the manager) and they decided that I would be given a position of Manager Trainee. This is the lowest of the management postions, but management none the less. This means that I would get 40 hours a week (no more Home Depot), a pay increase of about $4.00 an hour, and great medical benefits. Jake wasn't really supposed to tell me this, but it sounds like it's really going to happen. However, he said it may be up to 2 months before this change occurs (I don't know why). I may not even hear about it from Dana for several weeks. I guess I'll just continue on as normal and not get my hopes up too high. There also may be a scheduleing issue. I don't think I could continue having Sundays and Wednesday nights off if I were a Trainee. I'll have to see how he would work with me on that. As good as this promotion would be, I came to Walla Walla to help plant a church, not work at Big 5. We'll see what happens.


Blogger Lola Bacon said...

But Adam, it's big 5. I mean, really. BIG 5.

I know what you mean though. I have to keep reminding myself that this job is not worth giving up on my education and passion.

8:43 AM  
Blogger Lola Bacon said...

Oh, and what really sucks about the Yankees winning the division AGAIN, is that the Sox and the Yankees are TIED for first! TIED. And the idiot Yankees with their idiot one extra game in the head to head record, won.


2:52 PM  

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