Monday, March 26, 2007

travelling man

I'm really excited about going on a roadtrip next month. I will take lots of pictures for anyone who cares to see my adventures across the country.
I'm also really excited for the "Hoot Nanny" going on this week at Journey. It's going to be excellent.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

some were right

I got a few Oscar predictions correct, but not many. I guess that's why they haven't asked me to be a part of the Academy yet. The Awards show, which I hadn't actually seen for several years until last week, was quite entertaining, at least the first part was. Ellen was hilarious and the musical number with Will Ferrel, Jack Black and John C. Reilly was great. Anyways, that's it for movie business for now.
My current plans (always subject to change) are to be gone from mid April to mid May on a road trip across the U.S., then save up and get things in order to start my Chimney Sweep business by the Summer of 08. Again, very much subject to change.