Sunday, August 26, 2007

no longer homeless

I was homeless this weekend...sort of. I had to be out of my place by Friday and couldn't be in my new place until today (Sunday). Fortunately I had already planned a trip to Portland so I was not in Walla Walla while I had no home there.
Portland was exceelent as usual. It would have been better if the folks were around, but didn't work out. I did get hang out with Jason, Becky and Sam a bit as well as several other friends including newcomer Simon Miller Ham. Way to go Bob and Lalita, you done good.

Monday, August 13, 2007

baseball, camp, and a place to live

I hadn't realized it had been so long since I posted. I don't even have the excuse of having nothing interesting to post about, because I do (at least it's interesting to me).
Two weekends ago I went to Seattle with some guys from Journey to see a couple of baseball games. It was a lot of fun. Before the game on Saturday we saw The Bourne Ultimatum. Great movie. On our way to the game while walking to the stadium I heard someone yelling my name. I turned to see Bryce, Janaki, Johan, and Leah in a vehicle right by me. Janaki and Bryce got out and I got to talk for a little. Johan and Leah went to the Sunday game with them so I went and sat with them for a little towards the end. That was a nice surprise. The results of the games were not a surprise. The Sox won both games.
This past weekend was also an excellent weekend. I went to family camp with my church. There was about 60 of us there. I didn't have to bring food which was great. I just wandered around and ate other peoples food. I got to go out on the boat 3 times and got 3 excellent tube rides, the last of which I finally got thrown from the double tube and not surprisingly from the single tube (twice). I am not too sore today which is nice. I'm already looking forward to next year.
For my Sunday late night movie watching I watched Magnolia. It's weird (the singing and the frogs? I don't get it). There were some great performances though.
Now I turn my attention to life responsibilities. Most importantly finding a place to live since I'll need to be out of my current place in less than two weeks. I just got a couple possible places come up today. I better get that figured out.